Prix Choose France 2020
Business France is organizing, under the aegis of the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, the Ministry for the Economy, Finance and Recovery, the Ministry for Territorial Cohesion and Relations with Local Authorities and in partnership with the Etats de France, the second edition of the Choose France Awards, focusing on the “Special Recovery”.
During this second edition, more than 50 foreign businesses from 21 countries and established in 12 French regions responded to the call for the Choose France 2020 “Special Regions” Awards. The businesses that have been rewarded are:
Novo Nordisk (Denmark) with the “Ecological Transition” Prize.
Collins Aerospace (United States) with the “Competitiveness & Innovation” Prize.
SCC (England) with the “Cohesion & Solidarity” Prize.
Recipharm (Sweden) with the Special Jury Prize.
Dräger (Germany) with the Special Covid-19 Prize.