Let’s inspire a new world, with La French Fab

[video width="1920" height="1080" mp4="https://investinfrance.fr/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/La-French-Fab.mp4.mp4"][/video]    

Creative by nature, industrial by tradition, strongly innovative, France invents the industry of tomorrow and inspires the future. Its industry stands out through strong abilities, techniques and a unique savoir-faire. Launched in October 2017 by Bruno Le Maire, Minister for the Economy and Finance, with the support of Bpifrance, La French Fab brings together, under the same banner, the industrial ecosystem across France.

La French Fab is the new inspiration for industry, supporting a more digitized and respectful industrial era, deeply committed to connect people, generations and territories, to design disruptive and innovative industrial solutions, always seeking to preserve an equal balance between working conditions and well-being, to sustain concrete answers to today’s challenges, in France and abroad.

This is the “Solutions Revolutions” by and with La French Fab.

Passionate about energy efficiency and limiting the impact on the environment, France is at the cutting-edge of the digital transition, leading the next eco-industrial transformation. Renowned for its excellence, and with a strong avant-garde spirit, French manufacturing is at the forefront of the factory of the future.

La French Fab is the new name of the French industry and it has the highest ambitions to renew the French industrial landscape; Today, it’s nearly 4000 companies that have join this collective movement to make the French industrial base revive.


#LaFrenchFab                               @LaFrenchFabTalk                      www.lafrench-fab.com