Green transition
The National Solar Energy Institute
Global leader in R&D, expertise and training in advanced solar photovoltaic technologies, their integration into systems and intelligent energy management.
#1 exporter of electricity in Europe by volume (77.8 TWh) in 2020
RTE, 2020
Global Environment Facility (GEF)
managed by the World Bank
One of the largest contributors
The eighth replenishment of resources process for the Global Environment Facility (GEF) ended on April 8, 2022, with an agreement from all contributors worth a total of US$5.25 billion in resources mobilized for the next four years. This financial envelope represents an all-time high for the GEF, which raised US$4.1 billion during the previous replenishment of its resources in 2018.
A significant contributor for more than 30 years, France has played its full part in this effort by the international community, providing a record contribution of US$360 million, an increase of nearly 40% in euros compared with its contribution to the previous replenishment.
The resources being deployed are intended to finance projects that tackle climate change and support the environment in developing countries, particularly in the world’s least developed countries and in small island developing states.
French Treasury Directorate (DG Trésor), 2022
Nuclear power in 2021
of total French electricity generation
#2 in the world
in nuclear energy production after the United States
#1 European exporter
of nuclear energy
of Europe’s nuclear production potential by 2030
International Energy Agency, 2021
#2 largest primary producer of renewable energy in Europe
11.4% of the EU-28 total in 2019
Eurostat, 2021
#1 producer of tidal power in Europe
2nd largest producer of hydroelectricity in Europe
Eurostat, 2019
One Planet Summit
The One Planet Summit aims to generate concrete solutions for the transition to a carbon-free economy and adaptation to climate change.
First edition in Paris in 2017
Second edition in New York in 2018
Third edition in Nairobi in 2019
France’s President Emmanuel Macron made an open appeal on June 1, 2017 to scientists and researchers, teachers, entrepreneurs, charities and NGOs, students and civil society as a whole to come together and join France in leading the fight against global warming.
Smart Grids
€3 billion in revenues
half of which comes from exports
Think Smartgrids, 2019
The world’s 3rd leading issuer
of green bonds in 2018